When I was getting ready to potty train my first, who turned two a month or so before, I prepped. I looked up blogs “Potty Training: A Survivors Story”
Author: admin
How To Make Mom Friends and Build a Village as an Introvert.
This past week I guest posted on a therapy blog, this is a version of my original post “The Introverts Guide to Finding a Village” “How To Make Mom Friends and Build a Village as an Introvert.”
Supporting each child individually
I see alot of myself in my son. He is cautious when exposed to new things, highly observant of his surroundings and has a pretty “Supporting each child individually”
Pregnancy and Mental Health
We all arrive at this place (pregnancy) differently. Some planned, some unplanned, some at a good time, some not, some after miscarriages and some after “Pregnancy and Mental Health”
An Introverts Guide to finding a Village
When you are about to become a mom you hear a lot of advice and helpful tips. One thing you often hear is about finding “An Introverts Guide to finding a Village”
Don’t touch me
“Don’t touch me” was my initial thought towards my husband as we prepared to pack up and leave the hospital with our first child. He was relieved “Don’t touch me”
The Witching Hour
The witching hour, “Zero” hour, hand me the wine hour… which ever you may call it, its can be the true test of a parents “The Witching Hour”
Why are there so many “no one told me” posts?
It is entirely too common that women venturing into parenting will often at one point say “no one told me about this!” As a Maternal “Why are there so many “no one told me” posts?”
Another “mom” blog? Another “therapy” blog?
Here we go again. Another Mom Blog. Another Therapy Blog. While this may be some of your first thoughts I hope I change your mind “Another “mom” blog? Another “therapy” blog?”