Another “mom” blog? Another “therapy” blog?

Here we go again. Another Mom Blog. Another Therapy Blog.

While this may be some of your first thoughts I hope I change your mind after you explore my blog.

I come from a good place, a familiar place. I was a soon to be new mom, an independent person, a helper, a free thinker.

I was feeling in control of my life and especially feeling like pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child thing would happen the way I fantasied about it in my head. Well… I wasn’t wrong … but I wasn’t right. 

I have deeply enjoyed and valued the friends and family before me with their wisdom and support. I have relied on books and websites that offered their form of support or warning of what was to come. 

Challenges and insecurities came out in me the only way they could, by experiencing them first hand. At times, it felt like a very strange up hill battle that I either felt I couldn’t talk about or didn’t know how to describe to make people understand where I was. 

“It gets better”, oh I truly despise this statement. I am not a “wait for the rainbow after the storm” type of person, I am more of a engineer some sort of covering to stay dry and warm to weather the storm type of person. I do not beat my head against a wall until I figure it out, I step back from a problem… maybe do something else to clear my head and then work to solve the problem. I pride myself on being a good problem solver. 

THE PROBLEM was at times, I was standing in the rain getting soaked, I was beating my head against a wall (did it again yesterday!) and I didn’t like it. I don’t like to feel incapable. I don’t want to feel inferior. I was experiencing intense anxiety and self doubt. At times I didn’t want to tell anyone due to the assumption I would get such basic responses from people, or I would make them feel uncomfortable. 

When I had my first child I felt I was somewhat emotionally and mentally prepared. His birth didn’t go as planned and I experienced thing I never prepared myself for.  I felt like there were pieces of this experience that weren’t being talked about and certain factors not taken into account. Keep in mind I was in circles of good friends, therapist friends, had a good relationship with my OB. How was I still feeling like I wasn’t prepared for what I now know was to come?

When I see a hole in a system, a very important system of pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child I want to fill it the best way possible. I am a Therapist, I am a Educator. I have no desire to keep what I have learned in my walk of parenthood to myself, I want more women to feel like they are supported, heard, valued and respected. 

My hope with this blog is to take all different pieces of myself as a woman, a mom, a wife, a friend and as a therapist to hopefully fill some holes other books, people and sites may be missing, or combine them into one place. I don’t think I am re-inventing the wheel I am just updating and modernizing it. 

About Me

Hi, I'm Emma and welcome to my "mom blog" meets "therapy blog" combination! I am a mom of 3 young children. I started this blog on a hard day when I was in the "3 kids under the age of 3" category. Naturally I was feeling totally outnumbered. Feeling completely overwhelmed I was looking for a way to process what I was going through so I turned to writing a blog. I was struggling and wanted to find a different medium to access the expertise I used as a Child and Family Therapist. Doing so this way I can utilize it in my own life and hopefully help others at the same time. Enjoy some personal stories, some self-help and some professional support. Look around on my other pages to find my tele-counseling services and workbooks too!

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